Book of Memories for Phyllis C. Sardo Book of Memories for Phyllis C. Sardo Recent updates for the Book of Memories Frontrunner Professional Book of Memories V4 en-gb Condolence From loretta chiavetta Condolences Sun, 23 Apr 2017 12:36:14 EDT Memorial Candle lit by Loretta Ferraro Chiavetta Memorial Candles Sun, 23 Apr 2017 12:20:31 EDT Story shared: my sister Phyllis was my big sister, when we were younger I would always want to wear her clothes,she  kept her clothes like expensive jewels, she was always cleaning the house, she loved her husband and two children very much.I remember  seeing her every week with my mom,sitting on her front porch drinking coffee and eating some pastry,laughing telling stories,she was fun, loved to go shopping.             when she was a teenager she had many friends and loved to dance.      I moved to Florida but we always kept in touch and she came down to visit me with her grandson.                     I will forever keep her in my you sis     Loretta

Shared Photos Sun, 23 Apr 2017 12:09:51 EDT
Photo shared: Sardo Phyllis.jpg

Shared Photos Sat, 22 Apr 2017 02:16:55 EDT